Welcome to SUX-SOA project home page

okies, from the name, it is look like a place to shame/blame or put bad name on soa, apparantly it is not. The page was initiated after much thought of the application I tried to build hitting a road end from the choice of technology avails.

The initiative just started not long ago, just interested very much to solve the issued given by the business spec. With the complexity given, i go n find various implementation possibilities and ideas.

Due to the business nature, I can't revealed much about the business issue. So bare with me if I sound confusing most of the time, or you could ignore this project totally.

Okiez, First part of the issue: HTML UI
seperation ui concern. the key issue here is such that the designer will design the application base on the json object response from the web-app server. in such that the project can totally teared out the layer of presentation (using only HTML + js) to produce. The interaction between the front-end pages with back-end can be via ajax or post/get method. but the web-app shouldn't response in the manner of html.

List of sub task to be completed:
1. UI-Framework.
- JSON base framework
- validator framework
- security framework
2. Single sign on server
3. SOA

Design for the ISSUE:
1. Currently I will adopt abit funcitonality of the spring mvc (straight forward n simple).
Few alternatives run tru my mind are
- struts -> closest match to imitate from. but currently world are a bit moving away from struts. so do i hehe :P
- tapestry -> bit more complex than what i want to achieve. - jsf -> similar, way way much complex than what i can achieve. 2. Bare in mind also integration with commons validator
there is a very big chances that the validator framework also will be overriden/port n modified from the current apache commons validator.
there is a requirement to support dynamic binding, list validation, and soon which is currently not supported by commons validator.
the validation framework should utilize N make full use of the jdk 1.5.
the key issue with the commons validator is that it is strongly configured. but the key strength on the html ui was the full validation.
3. Integration with security framework
the applicaiton should be able to configure the security access to all the pages exist in the system. probably configured via the modules base implementation.
currently the acegi security system will be used to produce the security constraint.
there is an idea to create a single sign on server, but the effort in producing such product will be tremendeous. will need to eval the effort. but will be putting it on the list of activities to be achiever. Logo